Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Another great day sharing fantastic raw food!

This past weekend, February 28th I held a Raw Food Session in Naniamo, BC and had so much fun sharing my love for healthy food with everyone there.

We discussed acid/alkaline balance within the body and how it affects health and how important it is to keep the delicate balance of acid/alkaline in the body.

There was so much to say and time went so fast! Everyone had some fantastic questions and I hope enjoyed the sharing of knowledge and information.

We started with a few little snacks - as pictured above to the right. These are Mini Pecan Pies. 1/2 a date dipped in coconut then topped with a pecan. They are so good and help when you feel like something sweet. As you can see people ate them up!

After the presentation and information on acid/alkaline foods we all had a green smoothie and people who had not tried them before - loved them! I knew they would :-). For me, one thing I hope everyone take away from the sessions I hold is to start their day with a green smoothie. They are so simple to make!

A fruit or 2 of your choice (I like apples)
1/2 a banana is great to add
A handful or more of some greens (spinach is what we used. Can be any green leafy veggie)
A squeeze or 2 of fresh lemon juice
2 cups of water (or a bit less - 1 serving)
Dash of cinnamon (optional)

Green Smoothies are a start and I suggest EVERYONE try it - you WILL love it!

We then began the food preparation demonstrations. At this session we preparing pates, dips and wraps. Here are some wraps prepared with pate and various veggies. The wraps can be collard greens, swiss chard and lettuce. When I make one for myself I use the whole leaf. These are cut into bite size pieces which is great for a group of people.

Here I am preparing a cashew, carrot pate which tends to be a favourite. I forgot to take off my reading glasses in this pic. I tend to be doing that more these days!!

Pates are great because you can make a big batch on a Sunday and they will last you all week.

Below are some wraps I made with my dehydrator and some were stuffed with a raw pate called "Better than Beef" made with carrots and spices and some were stuffed with a Mediterranean flavored pate. Very good!

As you can see from the picture below, there was a lot of food to sample.

I also encouraged people to make their own wraps from the ingredients provided. We also had stuffed mushroom caps (stuffed with the cashew, carrot pate).
Pates are great because they last for about a week in the fridge and you can put them ontop of a bed of lettuce or sprouts. Mix them in your salad, eat them with crackers or on dehydrated bread. And of course put them in a wrap. They are also filling and some have a "meaty texture".

One aspect I love about these sessions is the sharing amongst the particpants. Some know each others, some have just met but we all come together to share experiences, knowledge and fun! It is a great way to meet people on the same journey and with things in common. Sometimes when we choose a healthy path, there are not always people close to us who chose that at the same time. This way, people can meet and learn from others who are on the path to wellness (as I call it).

Here is more the group enjoying and experiencing the raw food.

I am so grateful to be able to do what I love and share my love for healthy, nutritious food!
I thank all these wonderful ladies for joining me. I truly enjoy the learning and sharing.

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